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Doc's Proplugs Combo Packs are designed to fit a range of sizes. Each combo pack contains four (4) pairs of Proplugs. For adults (18 & up) this includes one pair of each of the following sizes: small, medium, large, and extra large. For youth (6 - 17)this includes one pair or each of the following sizes: med small, small, medium, large. Doc's Proplugs can prevent swimmers ear and ear pain by blocking water from entering the ears, keeping ears warm and preventing the flushing of water in and out of the ear. Ear pain and infection are caused by cold exposure and erosion of delicate skin and wax in the ear canal. Upon descent, Proplugs prevent water from entering the ear down to 20 feet in depth. Once the diver enters greater depths, water will be allowed into the ear for equalization. Unlike other earplugs, ours includes a Scott's valve which allows ears to equalize easily and let sound in. Our Proplugs have been used by hundreds of divers for over thirty years who testify that Proplugs are the earplugs for divers.